Frágil Internacional

Aisha – A Path of Freedom

Aisha is based in a real story and was created as part of our project Educate to Protect, which aims to prevent human trafficking in schools in North Africa.

Aisha is bases in a real story and was created as part of our project Educate to Protect, which aims to prevent human trafficking in schools in North Africa.


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Alert to resist is a program that aims to alert people against human trafficking.  It can be done in events, with specific material for the event or it can be done through campaigns. 

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Educate to Protect  is a program that creates awareness and encourages the prevention of human trafficking, where more than 70% of the victims are women and girls with the outcome of sexual exploitation. The work is done in two ways:

  • By training short-term teams with the objective of multiplying and forming partnerships. The courses occur in training centers and at the Frágil headquarters.
  • Preventative actions in Morrocan schools, that are available through the awareness of local authorities and community leaders in the subject. The work is done directly in the classrooms through conversations, games, leaflets and prevention videos.

Affirm to recognise worth is an enrichment program for women that live in sexual exploitation situations through human trafficking. Intervention is a critical component of combating this practice. The project Unforgettable Voice was created to make contact with these women, by building trusting relationships,  offering support through small actions, such as medical and preventative orientation and by being present at comemorative dates, such as Christmas and birthdays. Through this program, it is possible to intervene and show them that their dignity is recognized: that their voices will not be forgotten.


Empower to flourish is a project currently under development. It focuses on enabling women to recognize themselves as capable and independent. Asides from being sheltered and protected in a safe house, the purpose of Frágil International is to help find employment, create access to educational opportunities and to support, when safe, the women in the repatriation back to their countries and cities of origin. Within this phase, we soon aim to open a multicultural café to train and give employment opportunities to women rescued from human trafficking. Asides from being a professional space, the café will also bring financial sustainability to the organization and the woman that we work with.

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